Network Applications

The society hosts several services available to members:

  • Secure Phone Network. Using a world-wide network of over 36 private branch exchanges, secure calls can be made all over the world.
  • Email for Amateurs. A guaranteed spam-free email system, that has no ingress from the public internet to keep out the spammers.
  • Weather alerting. A rebroadcast of weather alerts from Environment Canada for specific areas. Can be sent to e-mail or SMS to a SIP phone.
  • Telemetry. Using our custom encoder, up to 8 analog, 5 digital inputs and 5 digital outputs can be monitored and controlled remotely. Alarm conditions can be sent by e-mail or SMS.
  • Dynamic Digital Linking. A fully digital linking system with programmable routing based on a talkgroup. Compatible with AllstarLink.

Please note that any application with a cost involved requires the purchase of an annual membership. Please visit the ADRCS Site on the AREDN network.